
Insomnia is characterized as difficulty falling or staying asleep, waking up frequently or waking up too early and not being able to go back to sleep. There are many kinds of insomnia. There are many sleep disorders and other medical conditions that can lead to insomnia. There are many medications that can cause insomnia. A number of stressors can produce insomnia. For example, anxiety can cause insomnia.

At times it is difficult to differentiate between true insomnia and other conditions leading to insomnia. Our board certified physician has extensive experience in diagnosing all forms of insomnia and is knowledgeable about the various treatments available for it. Some of the treatments involve addressing other sleep disorders that cause insomnia, while other treatments may include extinguishing anxiety or readjusting medications, among other things. Dr. Ghuge at the Sleep Medicine Institute of Texas can help diagnose, reduce, or eliminate your insomnia.

Please call us at 903-787-7533 or click HERE to begin the process of scheduling a personalized consultation with us at the Sleep Medicine Institute of Texas.